Ms. Vivian Cherry Farmer
Originally from Dierks, Ark., the Cherrys moved to Nacogdoches in 1950 because of the sawmills in the area and SFA so their children could receive a college education. Marvin’s career in the lumber industry began at age 16 when he worked for Dierks Lumber and Coal Company. He worked in Nacogdoches and other East Texas sawmills until his 70’s.
Pearl was a homemaker and raised their four children, all of whom graduated from SFA. Marlin earned a bachelor’s degree in 1952 and master’s degree in 1960; Dean received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in 1953 and 1957, respectively. Daughters Alma and Vivian received bachelor’s degrees in 1958 and 1962, respectively. Tommie Johnson Cherry, their daughter-in-law, earned SFA degrees in 1953 and 1956.
Pearl died in January 1972 at 61 following a lengthy illness. Marvin died at age 92 in September 1999.
The Marvin and Pearl Cherry Memorial Scholarship will benefit students who have completed at least 60 hours toward a major in Forestry at SFA.