Dr. Miles McCall
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Collier
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson
Dr. Nelson W. Jones MD
Dr. Nita Lewis Miller, Ph.D
Dr. Patricia Russell
Dr. Paula Griffin
The SFA Alumni Association would like to formally announce the endowment of the Barton Family Scholarship. The Barton Family Scholarship provides funds for students pursing an undergraduate degree in elementary education or a doctorate in educational leadership at...
Dr. Pauline Sampson
In 1990, Dr. Lynn Solomon, university representative to AAUW, and Dr. Jane Robertson, AAUW educational foundation chairperson, presented a check to begin The American Association of University Women Scholarship.
Dr. Philip T. Reynolds
Dr. Philip Taylor Reynolds graduated Magna Cum Laude from Stephen F. Austin State University in the summer of 1983 where he received his degree in Pre-Professional Medicine, with a major focus on Biology and a minor in Chemistry. He was a member of the SFA Beta Beta...
Dr. Ray Beauchamp
Dr. Richard White Jr.
Dr. Sara Michie
The James M. Garrett Scholarship was established in 2013 by Dr. Sara Michie, his former student and SFA graduate. Dr. James Garrett, who taught for 37 years, holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Arlington State College and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from The...
Dr.'s Dean and Theresa Coble
Dr. Steve Westbrook
Dr. Suzy Weems
Dr. Tanya Tullos
Dr. Thomas Franks
Dr. Tim Clipson
Dr. Tom Middlebrook MD
Dr. William Dean Clark
East Texas Sportsman's Club
The Alan Still Nacogdoches Chapter Safari Club Scholarship was established in 2005 by The Piney Woods Chapter of Safari Club International. Born February 18, 1949, Still was one of five boys born to John Charles and Margaret Barrett Still. Still attended...
Ellen Miller Education Scholarship
The Ellen Miller Education Scholarship fund was established to support scholarships annually for students pursuing any major within the James I. Perkins College of Education at SFASU.
Eloise Chambers Adams Scholarship
The Eloise Chambers Adams Scholarship was established to support a scholarship annually for an undergraduate student in art and/or student who receives course credit in the art study abroad programs.
Flora Garden Club Members/Delores Jones
Floyd and Donna Mize Scholarship
The Floyd and Donna Mize Scholarship fund was established to provide scholarships annually for students pursuing a degree in the Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture with preference given to undergraduate Forest Wildlife Management majors.
Focus POS Systems Scholarship
The Focus POS Systems Scholarship was established to provide scholarships and financial assistance to undergraduate students pursuing a major in an academic program in the Department of Computer Science.
Frances and Ross Graves Jr Scholarship
The Frances and Ross Graves Jr Scholarship fund was established to provide scholarship and financial assistance for a graduate of Timpson High School with a cumulative “B” average or better in academic courses.
Freshman Accounting Scholarship
The Freshman Accounting Scholarship fund was established to support a scholarship annually for an entering freshman student who desires to pursue a major in accounting at SFASU.
Friends of Theatre Scholarship
The Friends of Theatre Scholarship fund was aestablished to support scholarships annually for high performing students pursuing a major within the School of Theater at SFASU.
Gary Wurtz Jazz Scholarship
The Gary Wurtz Jazz Scholarship fund was established to support scholarships annually for high performing students involved with the SFA Jazz Program at SFASU.